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发布时间:2024-04-14        浏览次数:32        返回列表
前言:侯碧月为您答疑解惑 拍卖公司注册 怎么是拍卖经营许可证 怎么注册呢 注册的时候拍卖师有什么要求
文物鉴定公司注册 注册文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司

v Application for the international auction standards of precious cultural relics:
v 1. Holding a reasonable Approval Certificate of Auction Operation;
v 2. Holding a reasonable Business License of the Enterprise Legal Person;
v 3. Registered capital of more than 10 million yuan or above RMB, non-Sino-foreign cooperation, Sino-foreign joint venture, or wholly foreign-owned enterprises;
v This is the standard!
v =4. There are more than 5 professional and technical personnel in the bidding of precious cultural relics;
v 5. Required site, equipment and technical standards;
v 6. In recent years, there is no personal operation of precious cultural relics in recent years;
v 7. Other standards clearly stipulated by laws, regulations, policies and regulations +

文物鉴定公司注册 注册文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司

文物鉴定公司注册 注册文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司

v Registration standards and regulations for international auction applications
v Open a bidding company, should he the following standards:
v (1) Registered capital of more than 11 million RMB;
v (2) Hing its own name, organizational structure and rules;
v (3) Hing a certain office space;
v (4) More than 3 staff members who obtain auction qualification certificates, and at least 1 is an auctioneer; professional or part-time personnel who he field qualification certificates closely connected with the main business;
v (5) Bidding business process standards in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, administrative rules and the requirements of this method;
v (6) Comply with the relevant auction industry construction planning of the competent commercial units +
正常文物鉴定公司的地址情况--侯碧月为您解答 ---注册文物商店公司,拍卖公司,文物鉴定公司,文物拍卖公司

  • 地址:北京朝阳区建外soho.西区10号楼
  • 电话:17710294288
  • 手机:17710294288
  • 联系人:侯碧月