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发布时间:2024-04-14        浏览次数:47        返回列表
前言:侯碧月为您答疑解惑 拍卖公司注册 怎么是拍卖经营许可证 怎么注册呢 注册的时候拍卖师有什么要求
文物鉴定公司注册 注册文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司







v Review the standards and conditions for opening international auction auctions
v Provisions for the filing of international auctions:
v 1. Original enterprise business License;
v 2. Five major company chapters;
v 3. Shown.True identity of the legal representative;
v 4. Shown.The Original resume of the auctioneer and the original qualification certificate;
v 5. The real estate registration certificate and the photocopy of the house lease agreement of the place of operation;
v 6. The general auction must be 1 million registered capital;
v 7. Shown.Auction of precious cultural relics must he a registered capital of 10 million yuan; (subscribed capital contribution) report.
v 8. The auctioneer is attached to the auctioneer, and there are nine disciplinary bidding organizations organized within three years.(The auction of precious cultural relics must be five authoritative experts on precious cultural relics.)
v 9. International auction should read the article after the enterprise business license before the bidding qualification.+
文物鉴定公司注册 注册文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司

文物鉴定公司注册 注册文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司 文物鉴定公司

v The stock fund that applies for auction license stipulates (what raw materials must auction examination and approval he?)
v 1. Notice of Certified Company Nuclear Name (or Enterprise Operation zhizhao)
v 2. The articles of association must be affixed with the official seal of the company;
v 3. Compliance with the prescribed auction rules;
v 4. Adjust the real identity of the auctioneer, photo and contact number;
v 5. Auction qualification certificate of the auctioneer;
v 6. Relevant raw materials adjusted by the auctioneer;
v 7. The house of the registered address and operation location of the bidding company+
正规文物鉴定公司的详情--侯碧月为您解答 ---注册文物商店公司,拍卖公司,文物鉴定公司,文物拍卖公司

  • 地址:北京朝阳区建外soho.西区10号楼
  • 电话:17710294288
  • 手机:17710294288
  • 联系人:侯碧月